Friday, November 9, 2012

DeLillo News & Notes: ALA 2012: DeLillo and Film

The Don DeLillo Society will be hosting a session at the ALA (American Literature Association) Conference in Boston in May of 2013. The topic is "DeLillo and Film." As described by the DD Society:

Topic: DeLillo and Film. David Cronenberg’s _Cosmopolis_ marks the long awaited adaptation of a Don DeLillo novel. But DeLillo has long been interested in film, from his screenplay for _Game 6_, use of real and imagined films throughout his novels (_Americana_, _Running Dog_, _Underworld_, _Point Omega_), references to filmmakers in interviews (“I began to understand the force that movies could have emotionally and intellectually in what I consider the great era of the European films: Godard, Antonioni, Fellini, Bergman . . . Kubrick and Howard Hawks”), and use of cinematic technique in the novels themselves. Papers may develop these or other topics related to DeLillo and film.

Please send a title, abstract (300 words), AV needs, and brief bio to Jesse Kavadlo, Maryville University, at jkavadlo@...<mailto:jkavadlo@...> by January 1, 2013.

More information can be found HERE.

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